taikai Con - palmer, Alaska
Date: 05/21/2016
White Noise Graphics will be attending Taikai Con. If you didn't have the chance to see their work in person at Steamposium, this is your chance to make it up to yourself.

Whitenoise Digital Update
Date: 05/28/2016
White Noise Graphics is going to release their newest works that were only available to be viewed in person at Taikai Con on their website. ZAWW has a little new promotional material there with them, but as always Whites Noise delivers the goods for a broad range of projects.

ZAWW Closed Playtest
Date: Late 2016
Module 1, The first Official Product is to be distributed to our Hand Selected Game Masters to get early feedback. This very same product will be available for free publically once we'd had time to accomodate the feedback and pretty it up some for ya'.

Zaww Playtest Packet/Module 1
Date: Early 2017
The Closed Playtest goes Public. This is going to be your first chance to download Module 1 for your own personal group. We know in the gaming world you have a lot of choices, so we are letting everytone try befor you buy. Module 1, the first Archetypes, and Quick Play Rules are all going to be available on the download page until the ZAWWmbies get us all.

Battle Zone Ursa - Anchorage, AK
Date: 09/17-18/2016
White Noise Graphics is a sponsor of Alaska’s first all things tabletop miniatures convention, Battle Zone Ursa and will be there with a promo booth for ZAWW! If in the Alaska area, go check them out!