It all started simply enough. Like every tabletop gamer, we tried every major game you could think of. We also tried some we had no clue about. Consistently, we loved parts of a game and found other parts less desirable. Like every tabletop gamer we kept returning to the one we liked best but it never quite did what we wanted. So like every tabletop gamer, we made houserules. More and more of them until we were forced to admit it wasn't honestly working.
First we tried to update a product we mostly enjoyed to work in a different system. It ballooned, it became huge. And more importantly, it stopped looking like the product we were updating. Then we decided to make it into it's own product. But to do that we had to go back to the beginning, set some design goals, and build from the ground up.
We wanted it to be fast. We wanted it to be easy. And in the end, we wanted it built in such a way you dont need house rules in the classic sense. We went through a ton of revisions and new ideas. In the end, we chose to start with 3.X's Open Gaming License and System Reference Documents because they were already solid. Why reinvent the wheel, and worse possibly fail to give proper credit to those who came before us?
We took it to the ground, we ripped it apart, and we started seeing what we really needed. Sometimes, a setting needs something we left out, and that lead to a new idea. House rules are Mods to a tabletop the same way you think of in a PC game. Our game would support mods. And now we were under way.
Fast, Simple, Modular, and Universal with a solid d20 SRD/OGL core. We were just a flagship setting away from...